Thursday 23 March 2017


IXL Homework:  
Period 2 - D- J.1, J.2, J.3
E-J.1, J.2, J.3
F-OO.1, Oo.2, OO.3

Period 3 and 4:
G:  DD.1
H:  C.1, D.1
I- EE.1, GG1, S.1, E.1, F.1

Period 3 and 4:  Everyone has been working so hard to prepare for the Literacy test this week.    You are well prepared! 

 Wednesday night - you could watch these little videos to have some tips fresh in your head!  Also, get a good nights sleep and have a good breakfast on Thursday morning.

Writing a News Article

Writing a News Report!

Check out these links that show us how to write a news article for the OSSLT
After reading so many Newsela articles, you are all now very familiar with newspaper articles and their format.   For those writing the OSSLT, please watch these videos AND MAKE NOTES TO SHOW ME.  The internet has been up and down at school, and these will really help.

Look at some of these samples:
Sample news reports

Other samples of student work! Click here!

1. Read the headline and picture and decide on an event. Ask: “What happened?”
2. Jot down answers to the questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?
3. List the names of the participants.

1. Write the first paragraph using the answers to your 5Ws.
2. Write the body: Explain using details what happened, using quotations from participants to support the facts in your news story. (Make them up. They do not have to be accurate!)
3. Quotations are important in the newspaper article.   Include a couple of quotations - from eye witnesses, participants, observers, experts - make them up! 
4. Write in the third person (he, she it, they) Avoid using the first person. (I)
5. Write in the past tense. (Last Monday, Bridget H. came fourth in the slalom race at OFSSA.)
6. Write a conclusion or ending to your news story.

1 comment:

  1. What the difference between news article and news report?
