Monday 21 March 2016

Opinion Writing

Hope you had a super day!
Period 2:   Read 20 minutes a night on Raz Kids or Newsela. Study your spring words.
Everyone- Try this little listening quiz about Easter!  You can show me your mark next week!  

Period 3 and 4:you could work on your opinion essay, and I have put another fast quiz up on Socrative for those doing the literacy test. It DOESN'T count on your report card - it is just for practice - but it would be a good idea to do it. Code: ESL210
We will do book club next week after the literacy test. Have a wonderful Easter Weekend!!!

 If you haven't already - Watch these little videos about writing an opinion piece and make notes.

Watch this video and fill in the graphic organizer:

Here are some tips for writing your opinion essay.

Now- you are ready to write!!

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Book Club #2, Discussion Questions

Here are the questions for Meeting #2.   Your answers for last meeting were excellent - these are a little more challenging.  Start using sticky notes or make notes as you read to find evidence from the text.  Good luck!

Meeting #2:

  1. What is most surprising in the novel so far? Why?
  2. What are the power dynamics between the characters? How are they established? Do you think this will change?
  3. Choose a quote that stands out to you as important to the novel. Explain why you think it is important.
  4. How does the author use language in the novel?  What is the overall effect?  How does the language shape the novel?
  5. Using the Q-Chart as your guide to higher level thinking questions, create 2 questions for your group. Prepare your answers, but share them only after each member has had a chance to answer the question.

Writing a News Article on the OSSLT!

After reading so many Newsela articles, you are all now very familiar with newspaper articles and their format.   For those writing the OSSLT, please watch these videos over the break AND MAKE NOTES TO SHOW ME.  The internet has been up and down at school, and these will really help.

Now try your own article with one of these photos!