Saturday 17 March 2018

YOUR opinion does matter!

In the next couple of weeks, in preparation for the Literacy test, we will be writing a News Report, as well as a series of paragraphs expressing our opinions.

To get us thinking - here are some samples of the opinion essay topics from previous years.  Can you pick a topic and think of at least 3 arguments for or against?
 -Should zoos exist?

· Are today’s famous people good role models for young people?
· Is it a good idea for high school students to have a part-time job?
· Are cellphones necessary in school?
· Is participation in extracurricular activities an important part of secondary school life?
· Do teenagers place too much importance on what they wear?
· Should every student be required to take a Physical Education class every year of high school?
· Should Ontario high schools allow students to eat junk food and sell junk food in their cafeterias?
· Should the sale of junk foods be banned from Ontario secondary schools?
· Should Canada join the United States?
-Is it important for teenagers to pay attention to world news?

Watch these little videos about writing an opinion piece and make notes.

Here are some tips for writing your opinion essay.

Transition words are CRUCIAL for the opinion essay.  Watch this little video about the use of transition words: 

Try these IXL exercises to practice:
Level H:  E.11
Level J:  L.1
Level K:  L.1 
Now- you are ready to write!! 

Sunday 4 March 2018

International Women's Day!

March 8th is International Women's Day.  We will learn about the history of this day and the school will be having special activities to raise awareness.

Discussion Questions for the Week:  Choose one or more and write a detailed response:
1.  Should we have International Women's Day?  Should we be doing special activities in the school?  Why or why not?  Why do you think we chose those activities? 
2.  Do women face inequalities in your country?  Explain?
3.  Who is a famous woman in your country?  Tell us about her.
4.  What should this year's focus be for women?  In Canada?  Internationally?
5.  Do males and females have equal educational opportunities in your country?   Explain
It is Celebrate your NAME week!
6.  How did you get your name?  Why is it important?  What does it mean?

We will be learning more about Malala!   Watch this little video and try the quiz!

IXL for the Week:
Period 2:
Rhyming - Listen to the words:
Level B- E.1, E.2, E.3, E.4
Level C-  Statements, questions, commands A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5
Level D- A.1, A.7
-Also download Duolingo, pick your language and try some of the exercises.

Period 3 and 4:  Practice the OSSLT exercises on Workspace!
Level Capitals and Commas:
Level F:  J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4, J.12
Level H:  Using dashes - I.6,
Level J:  F.10 using ellipsis

We will have an exercise/dance class for girls on Friday afternoon - remember to bring your running shoes and t-shirt.  
Also, remember to bring in your Sugarbush forms and money. 

Watch this Inspiring Video!

Another Inspiring Video - Her Voice is My Voice!